Data Systems and MLOps

Design and implement data systems to streamline the collection, transformation, and use of data for insights generation.

QuantifyAfrica helps organizations build databases for modern data operations. We support both relational and non-relational databases. We support organizations to scale and update their databases and address accuracy, security, redundancy, and incomplete data challenges.

End-to-end data systems are critical for the success of ML and AI projects. QuantifyAfrica helps organizations build robust ML operations (MLOps). Hence, we work with the client to build the following MLOps components

  • Exploration Data Analysis (EDA), data preparation and features engineering
  • Model training, tuning, and validation
  • Model review and governance
  • Model inference, serving, and reporting
  • Model deployment and monitoring

In the text above, the tern model is generic. Similar end-to-end processes are also developed for organizations conducting surveys and other health & socio-economic studies without ML and AI components.

The dissemination phase is as important as the collection, processing, and analysis of the data. Dissemination systems should be built to manage the outputs and the metadata efficiently. The dissemination products must be well defined with clear standard operating procedures (SOPs) to ensure that the final products meet the objectives and quality standards. Requests from users, for information or services, must be processed quickly and directed to the right departments and teams. Access to information, services, data, results, etc. must be as streamlined as possible.