Study Design

A study design is framework which aims at specifying the methods and processes necessary to ensuring a research question of interest. There are many components to a study design and these components may vary depending on the research question(s).

Protocol Development.

During the protocol development, QuantifyAfrica works closely with the client to define the study (target) population, The research question(s), the methodology, and analysis plan. The protocol also lays out the data collection strategy including the pre-field training and other preparation activities, the fieldwork, monitoring of the data collection, and reporting of the data. Often, pilots are schedule to test the data collection strategy prior to the actual fieldwork. Ethical considerations are always addressed in the protocol.

Questionnaire Design.

The questionnaire is often the main tool used to collect the qualitative and/or quantitative information to answer the research question(s). Hence, it is critical to ensure that the questions are concise and clear, designed to obtain answers with minimum measurement errors from the respondents.

Sample size Calculation.

The sample size has to be determined, prior to the fieldwork, to ensure that the number of respondents will be enough to answer the research question(s) with the appropriate precision. The sample size is function of many parameters such as type of research question, required precision, collection methods, response rate, and more. We calculate sample size for estimating parameters, comparing groups, hypothesis testing, for stratified single or multiple stages or phase sampling designs.

Sample Selection.

In survey sampling, the randomness comes from the selection process. hence, it is critical to design the most optimal selection strategy given the available information. QuantifyAfrica design and clean sampling frame. We also produce reproducible code for selecting samples, calculate probabilities of selection and design sample weights.

Data Collection Strategy.

The data collection strategy lays out all the phases from the preparation activities (e.g. training, pilots), fieldwork operations, monitoring tools, reporting data. QuantifyAfrica helps clients design data collection operations taking advantage of technologies such as GPS devices, real-time reporting, automated data tracking systems, and more.